The result is then combined with the symbol quote into a list so that Scheme will treat it as a literal value when it becomes code. 然后,结果与符号quote合并到一个列表中,这样Scheme就会在将其转换成代码时将其作为一个文本值进行处理。
Because we are using the document literal non-wrapped binding style instead of the document literal wrapped binding style typically used in Integration Developer, we see this unexpected code. 由于我们使用的是文档文字非封装式绑定风格而非IntegrationDeveloper中常用的文档文字封装式绑定风格,我们看到的不是预期的代码。
Gets or sets the literal code fragment statement. 获取或设置原义代码片断语句。
In the development environment, the date literal is displayed in short date format using the locale settings of your code. 在开发环境中,使用代码的区域设置以短日期格式显示日期文本。